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What Is a Short Throw Projector?

Gadgets and technology are constantly evolving. The TVs back in the day were big clunky rectangular things that took up a lot of space. Now they are more lightweight and take up less space on your TV stand. . When you think about what is possible for advancement, there is a trend moving continuously towards convenience with innovation. Check out this article and learn about all the emerging features of short-throw projectors today!

Check out some ? top ultra short-throw projectors.  ?

Have you worried about buying a projector? Its answer is yes because choosing the right projector for your specific place is not as easy as it seems. You have to consider various factors like throw, brightness, resolution, and accessories while purchasing a projector. What do you know about throwing? Most of us have no understanding of this term properly, and it’s not a big deal. Let’s join together to explain it completely so you can buy a projector that exactly meets your needs.

Have a Look at the Throw Distance

A throw distance is a distance required for the projectors to “throw” a picture onto a screen or the wall. There are three different kinds of throws: short, long, and ultra-short. Usually, you can identify the kind of throw merely by looking up the model number of the appliance. It is most probably a short throw if the last letter is “ST.” The throw symbols are not always there, so use caution.

Kinds of Throw

Here’s a quick rundown of each throw so you can determine which one is best for you.

1.     Short Throw 

A short-throw projector is a type of projector that is designed to project images at a shorter distance than traditional projectors. You can simply say that a projector can show 100-inch images at a distance of fewer than 3 meters. Beyond this distance, the picture becomes slightly blurred. If you set the projector within 3 meters of the screen, the image will be sharper and bigger.

This quirky feature makes them ideal for use in small places, such as offices and classrooms. Short-throw projectors typically have a lower light output than traditional projectors, but this is not always the case.

2.     Long Throw

Longer distances require a long-throw projector. It works well at distances greater than six feet. If you set the projector closer than six feet away, you will receive a smaller image, which is not ideal when you are projecting in a big area.

Long-throw projectors are easy to manufacture and have cost-effective lenses. Long throws will always be less expensive as compared to short throws. Yes, there is an associated cost with this.

3.     Ultra-short Throw

The ultra-short throw may not be as prevalent as the short & long throws. This is so that it may be used in relatively confined areas.

The ultra-short throw must be no more than 15 inches from the screen. It is a rather close distance! It is almost one ruler long. This could be useful if your space is really small, but if you want to move it away from the screen, it won’t be as adaptable.

What Does a Short-Throw Projector Do?

A short-throw projector is a device that projects images or video from a relatively close distance. This type of projector is used mostly in classrooms and conference halls, as it eliminates the need for a large projection screen. Short-throw projectors can be ceiling-mounted or placed on a table or shelf near the presenter.

A short-throw projector is mainly used for video modeling. Short-throw projectors are projection screens that can display PowerPoint presentations, images, videos, and more that are close to your audience and away from the device. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Short-Throw Projector

If you’re considering getting a short-throw projector for your home cinema, there are a few points to be noted before you make the purchase. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the short-throw projector in this post so that you can choose which kind of projector is right for you.

Advantages of Short-throw Projectors

The major benefit of a short-throw projector is that it takes little room to put it up. This is great if you have a tiny living room or bedroom where you wish to view movies and TV shows. Short-throw projectors may be placed on a coffee table or shelf and yet generate a huge, clear image.

Another advantage of short-throw projectors is that they’re less likely to produce shadows on the screen since the light source is closer to the screen. This can be useful if any light sources in your room can interfere with the projection.

Disadvantages of Short-throw Projectors

Short-throw projectors, however, have a few drawbacks as well. The first is that they are often more costly than standard projectors. 

Another disadvantage is that, because the light source is closer to the screen, the projector may make more noise than other types of projectors.

Where to Place a Short Throw Projector in Your Home?

You recently acquired a short-throw projector, and you cannot wait to put it up in your home theater. However, where should you put it?

When locating a short-throw projector, there are several factors to consider. The projector must be placed somewhat near to the screen or other surface you will be projecting onto. Because of their extremely narrow focus, short-throw projectors need to be placed nearer to the screen than conventional projectors.

Second, consider the height of the projector. You’ll want to place the projector so that the image is at eye level when you’re seated in your theater. This will ensure that you have a comfortable viewing experience. 

Third, ensure that there is sufficient space surrounding the projector. As a result of their high heat output, short-throw projectors require sufficient ventilation to prevent overheating.

Now, that you are aware of where to put your short-throw projector, enjoy your brand-new home entertainment setup!

How Much Does Short-throw Projectors Cost?

The starting price for one of these projectors is about $1,000, and the cost increases from there. However, they are becoming more and more popular as technology improves and the price comes down. For those who want the best possible image quality, a short-throw projector is the way to go.


As you can see, a short-throw projector is a superb way to maximize productivity and conserve space. Whether you are in a small office or just want to free up some desk space, a short-throw projector can be a great solution. Short-throw projectors also have the benefit of being able to project images onto non-flat surfaces, which is advantageous in some circumstances.


       i.          Why do you need a short-throw projector?

Short-throw projectors use keystone correction and mechanical lens shift to display an image at an angle without reducing visual quality. If you need a high-quality image at a short distance, purchase a short-throw projector. Classrooms, offices, and home cinemas are the best places for short-throw projectors.

Ultra-short-throw projectors may produce images that are comparable to many of the best regular projectors.

     ii.          Can a short throw projector use without a screen?

A short throw projector can use without a screen. However, when you used it without a proper screen, it ultimately costs your comfort more by lessen the image’s quality. Although a plain white wall would undoubtedly provide a clear surface for a projected picture, there are some downsides as well. The light reflection of a projector screen is far more than that of a wall.

If you wish to use the wall as a screen then must follow these three steps. Smooth out the wall, paint it, and then smooth it out even more. Then surround the projection area with a beautiful, black frame. You will get a clear crispy image.

    iii.          Do you need a separate screen for your short-throw projector?

The quick answer is no. However, different projection screens are designed specifically for short-throw projectors. Nevertheless, you can even get a good result with a regular projection screen. So, do not worry about buying a brand new screen for your projector.